Logic Pro has been updated both on the Mac and iPad and it’s the latter I’m looking at here. In fact a series of posts will probably be best, as there is a lot to explore here. Notable new features are;
The Quantec room simulator which I use in this video, based on the hardware module that came out in the 1980s, popularised by the likes of Peter Gabriel for example.
A samples folder at last, no need to use split screen to access your own sound library, this is an absolute winner from my point of view.
New sound packs including Modular Melodies, which we shall revisit later.
I’ll dig out the release notes and we can go through them in more detail
I wanted to explore the pattern sequencer and how performant it can be and it turns out to be very versatile and I could also extend the pattern to programme some changes over the course of time. It’s possible to take control of automation and all sorts.
In other news
There is a lot going on in the home studio marketplace right now and there are some interesting products coming to market.
Teenage Engineering are launching the OP-XY and I don’t care, not taking out a second mortgage again for any of their stuff. Which annoys me equally because it’s great stuff, just, too pricey for most, that it seems criminal.
However I might consider getting an Ableton Move at just over £300 or the latest Polyend Synth at just over £400, both of which have given me GAS…. They can wait till next year when I’m more flush lol.
I’m looking forward to some upcoming iOS releases, including the next version of Loopy Pro.
Fun times
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