Mar 10Liked by Nick Lewis

Hey Nick- How do you like Mastodon, Bluesky and Threads so far? Pros and cons of each?

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That’s a great question with no easy answer, because I think they are all different with people coming in from different angles. I like to think of it as this, people have become tired of the big city where life has become too expensive, people just aren’t friendly and they’re all in it for themselves. So we’ve all chosen new homes and other towns to hang out in. No longer is it just the one city but a multitude of towns that we inhabit and frequent. Each town has different attractions, so we find that not one satisfies all of our needs.

That’s how I feel about it.

Threads for me is quite musical, lots of video content and reels like material. Mastodon is a more thoughtful place a bit like the library. Bluesky is similar but a little more like the museum or gallery town.

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Mar 12Liked by Nick Lewis

This is a good point, Nick. Everyone has preferences—which of the three do you like best so far?

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I can’t choose at the moment to be frank. If I had to choose, it would be a mixture of which is the best technically, the app I love to use the most and when it comes to Mastodon, there are a number of clients and I like that being a techie. Ok maybe it’s a tie between Madtodon and Bluesky for me. Engagement on those is good. Threads can be very meh for this.

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Thanks for the mention Nick, really appreciate it! 🙏

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thanks for the shoutout, Nick! I really appreciate the kind words and support.

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